Review-The Solution Revolution

The Solution Revolution: How Business, Government and Social Enterprises are Teaming Up to Solve Society’s Toughest Problems, William D. Eggers and Paul Macmillan, 2013, ISBN 9781422192191
Government, by itself, can no longer fix all of society’s problems. Perhaps it is time for a partnership between government, business and new organizations that that are shrinking the gap between what citizens need and what government can provide.

Does your town have a rather dismal home recycling rate? Instead of spending tax money on a recycling PR campaign, visit a site called Recyclebank. They have helped towns to double or triple their recycling rate in just a few months. Is downtown clogged with traffic? Instead of imposing some sort of downtown driving fee, consider a car-sharing service like ZipCar.

It is now possible to mobilize huge amounts of resources around societal problems, while the costs plummet. In this new solution economy, the exchange and creation of value (currencies) are happening in new ways. The new currency could be data, credits, reputation or social outcomes (like reduced sickness). There are also new ways to trade these new currencies. They range from prizes and challenges, to crowdfunding platforms, to two-sided markets (with no middleman), to arrangements that pay for success. Can the same system work for international issues, like human trafficking or providing inexpensive housing for India’s poor?

How can government or business help to bring about a solution economy? Government can use their purchasing power to create demand, be open to other avenues to reach a desired outcome, open up public data, avoid over-regulating the solution economy and recognize social enterprises as a new kind of business. Business can help by looking at their operating procedures against social criteria, make a bold commitment, change their sourcing practices, and find a way to leverage that open data.

This is a really interesting book. Perhaps it will inspire others to find social needs that are not yet being met, and do something about it. The only bad part of this book is the lack of a list in the back of the websites mentioned in the book (there are quite a number of them). Aside from that, this book is very much worth reading, for businesses and individuals.

Why Do You Need Business Cards

With the ever-increasing digital marketing trend, email marketing and social media marketing has been constantly increasing for years. While digital marketing has been the heart and soul of every aspect of a business firm, the email marketing makes use of the business newsletters to promote their business to next level. No matter whom you are and what business you are doing. What matter is that how effectively you use marketing technology to succeed your business?
Well, here are the three prime reasons that tell how important it is to use commercial printing service for your business.Creating a professional business card has become the latest trend in the business market today. Whether you use business letters, pop up cards or even social media letter, digital printing is much more beneficial in attracting your customer base, enhancing your company turn over and increasing your sales.

As per the recent survey, nearly 27,397,260 people use digital Newsletter and print digital cards every single day. It is not surprising that these business cards can help grow your business by getting people attracted towards your business goals. This is why a lot of entrepreneurs and experienced business people use business cards that are creative, attractive and strong enough to attract the viewers. Creative and high-quality print out says who you are.

The advertisement that uses commercial printing service can really stand out from others. Creativity is the essential part of any business. For a successful business, it is essential to supply a business card that is attractive, creative and user-friendly. Moreover, the success rate of a business firm does not just depend on the effort, but also advertisement and marketing play a vital part.

When it comes to creating an attractive digital card, business cards, and stunning business newsletters, no one can beat digital printing companies in Dubai. The recent survey conducted by the United Sales postal service states that about 98% of people open their mail on the same day it is delivered. And, 77% of people will immediately sort out all their emails. This is why marketing plays a vital role in increasing the brand value.

Unfortunately, rest of those deleted their emails without even opened it. Thus, digital printing makes use of the email marketing industry and helps grow your business. This business newsletter will be responsible for promoting your business, increase your sales, attract your customers etc. Moreover, it helps to convert visitors into your loyal customers.An attractive business card with high-quality content is what everyone wants. This way, digital printing in Dubai grabs the heart of millions of people.

Marketing with digital printing has found to have positive results on its success. According to the study conducted by marketing industry, 6.5 out of every 10 people use digital printing for their business marketing and have proven successful results. When compared to email marketing, direct marketing has seen a tremendous growth in sales. For instance, if a business firm sends 2,000 postcards, the business can expect nearly 3% growth in sales.